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About us

We are Royal Holloway's Snow sports group, we plan and invite you to some of the best student ski trips to the Alps across the terms, as well as trips to indoor ski slopes and plenty of themed socials! We cater for skiers, snowboarders, and anyone else who loves the mountains as much as we do!

We also are involved in many events for competitive ski and snowboard racing, as well as freestyle events and more!

Stay tuned for the exciting announcement of our upcoming winter ski trip this December 2023 to Les Arcs! 


We have two membership options; social and competitive. Social gives you access to all information, all socials and all events we plan, and the competitve membership means you are able to compete in competitions we are invited to across the year.

This also means competing whilst out in the Alps on our trips! Varsity and BUCS is also included in the competitive membership. With either memberships you'll get the opportunity to not only represent your university but you'll also meet loads of like-minded, dedicated and awesome individuals that will become your friends for life.

Events and Activities

We will be holding the famous Christmas Ski trip to the Alps, along with socials such as fancy dress nights, introductions to the club, SU nights, pub golf and more! We aim to hold many virtual events, as well as trips to indoor ski slopes with members of your household/social bubbles.

Those with competitive memberships will be offered the chance to race for the university, and then around Easter 2024 we hope offer another Snow Trip as one last blast to the academic year!

Contact Us

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Media Officer
Alice Thomas
Evelyn Golledge
Race Captain
Adam Brown
Charlotte Smith
Social Secretary
Alex Mead
Alina Shavrina