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About us

If you’re looking for a place to play cricket, then look no further! Even though cricket is played in the summer there is still plenty of action throughout the year. The club train all year with indoor nets being held every week. Alongside this we take part in BUCS indoor league which runs through the winter.

Our first team have been on the up when playing in the BUCS and LUSL leagues. The second team play in the LUSL league. As a club we are a good place to play cricket and socialise - we have socials every week if we can.

We are one of the few clubs to organise a foreign tour at the end of each year which is one of the highlights for many of our members.


In terms of membership we have 2 types plus the option to purchase cricket whites:

  • Standard/ Competative Membership - this covers all your indoor nets sessions throughout the year, all your travel costs and allows you to play in all the matches.
  • Social Membership - for events and activities
  • Royal Holloway Cricket Whites - White shirt and trousers to be purchased seperately from membership

Events and Activities

In our club as well as playing fixtures we also offer social events for you to come along to some examples of events throughout the year are:

  • Freshers BBQ (First week)
  • Come in your kit socials
  • Wizards social
  • Freshers talents show
  • Movember
  • Top golf (non-alcoholic social event)
  • Club meals
  • Hawaiian social
  • Foreign cricket tour
  • And many many more

Contact Us

In order to get in contact with us please follow our Instagram page where we will also share what we are doing throughout the year. All details regarding training and social will be here and on our Whatsapp Group chat.



  • Cricket: Social Membership£20.00
  • Cricket: Competitive Membership£100.00
  • Cricket: Women's Membership£75.00
Club Captain
Ollie Stalder
Leo Fordham
Jamie Tuddenham
Social Secretary
Jasper Noonan
Matt Pearce
Ahaan Lanewala
Vice President
Will Sims
Women's Representative
Finty Trussler