American Football

About us

Here at American Football we are focused around competitive weekend games and fun socials during the week. We have an excellent staff of coaches from the top level of play here in the UK that are enthusiastic about enhancing your university experience.

We encourage competitive sportsmanship to win games and award our university BUCS points.

Last year we won our Division, and this year we are planning bigger and better things, and aiming to win the playoffs and get promoted 

The sport isn't as large here in the UK and so university is a great place to experience it, especially for the first time.

Whether you're looking for a social place to make friends, an activity to blow off steam from your studies or competitive full contact sport to drive you there is a place for anyone here and we encourage all to come down and try it out.


Club memberships for our Mixed Contact American Football Team are split into three categories. All memberships will cover registration fees, team travel costs, game kit, lowers, and any other team expenses. The difference in cost differs with helmets and pads rented from the club. All players are required to provide their own football boots and mouth guards.

The standard membership of £140 will provide players with everything stated above. 

If members need to rent a helmet there will be an additional top-up of £40 to the standard membership (A total of £180)

If members need to rent a helmet and pads the total additional top-up is £80 to the standard membership (A total of £220)

If members have all their own equipment the standard membership is all that is required

The club only offers one membership for flag football at a price of £25 which covers all expenses but players do have to provide their own football boots and mouth gaurd. 

If you are interested in playing but unsure about your financial situation with the membership prices please feel free to contact us or speak to any of the committee members so that we can help you out 

Events and Activities

The year is focused on season games played on Saturdays or Sundays.

These are complemented by Tuesday and Thursday evening training sessions from 8:30-10:00 pm on the 3g down by the sports centre. Training sessions run all year until the season ends.

On the social aspect, we have nights out with every corresponding SU night (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), with big-themed nights outset throughout the year.

Sunday evenings are spent at our local (The Armstrong Gun) drinking pints, eating pizza, and watching the NFL games.

Contact Us

You can contact us on:



  • American Football - Standard Membership£140.00
  • American Football - Social Membership£25.00
  • Late Start Membership (February Onwards)£50.00


  • Full Kit Top-Up (Helmet AND Pads)£80.00
  • Half Kit Top-Up (Helmet OR Pads)£40.00
  • American Football - Donation£50.00
Harry Houlston
Barnabas Vali
Joe Ronchetti
Vice President
Will O'Toole