Extinction Rebellion

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About us

So much damage has now been done to our natural world that ecologists agree we are living through the sixth mass extinction on our planet. We're not simply witnessing the death of millions of species, but the culpable destruction and mass ecocide of our natural biosphere. If that doesn’t sit right with you, join the club. 

We are not about to sit around and let the rest of the world continue this cycle of destruction while we are told to shut up and study for our at present non-existent futures. Extinction Rebellion is an international movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience in an attempt to halt mass extinction and minimise the risk of social collapse. We are bringing this theory of change into the sphere of the university. 


Our aims are:

  1. To raise awareness among students and staff of the true extent of the climate and ecological crisis

  2. To mobilise students into action, including preparation and training for non-violent civil disobedience 

  3. To create change at our own university, and to contribute to the change in the wider world

So far we have pressured the university to declare a climate and ecological emergency and helped to embed the following commitments into the next 3-year strategy for the college:

  • Annual reporting and stakeholder engagement on progress by 2023 - enabling students and staff to monitor progress made

  • Implement key sustainability policies by 2025

  • Net Zero Carbon campus by 2035

  • Zero Waste to Landfill by 2022

  • The opportunity for every student and staff member to be climate literate by 2025

  • Embed at least one module of climate/sustainability specific focus into every single course offered to students by 2025

We are surprisingly happy with the direction that Royal Holloway is going in, however, we are not now going to say job done and trust that the uni makes all of these changes. We are in a crisis, and that means we need crisis-level mobilisation. Until everyone in the university understands what this actually means, we still have work to do. And that is why we need you.

Events and Activities

The kinds of things we do are:

  • Termly socials

  • Bi-weekly organising meetings

  • Eco-fairs and swap shops

  • Guest speaker events

  • Climate crisis symposiums

  • Activism workshops

  • Action trainings

  • Actions on campus

  • Trips to actions elsewhere


You can download our google calendar which will sync all of our events to your calendar: click here.

All of our events will also be on our Facebook page.


Getting a membership with Climate Action only costs £5.00 and helps us keep the society running by covering costs for all our events and activities. Membership is not compulsory to take part in any of our events but it will enable us to improve the society for everyone so please consider buying membership if you are able to.

Contact Us

Join our WhatsApp group to get involved.

Find our email in the sidebar.

And find our socials here:

Autumn Elections 2024

This election will fill positions for our remaining Community Officers, who are there to represent underrepresented groups of students on campus and the last six members of our Societies, Sports and Opportunities Executive, who work with the VP Societies and Sport to develop policy and plans in their area of engagement.

5 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 23:59 on Sunday 13 October 2024 (in 2 weeks and 2 days)

The polls open at 10:00 on Monday 14 October 2024 (in 2 weeks and 3 days)





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