Savoy Opera

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About us

Savoy Opera Society was founded in 1966 as the University’s Gilbert and Sullivan Society. Being the oldest student society on campus, we remain at the heart of the performing arts scene at Royal Holloway to this very day. Guided by our love of Opera and Operetta our society is home to some of the finest singers, actors, and musicians on campus, and we pride ourselves in providing an essential, yet diverse, platform for those who love to perform. We are known on campus for being accepting of everyone and for being a close-knit family-style community.

Each year, we put on both an autumn, spring, and summer term show producing productions that range from Gilbert and Sullivan’s joyous “Pirates of Penzance”, to Cole Porter’s raucous “Anything Goes.” In the summer we compete at the International Gilbert and Sullivan festival in Harrogate.


For our members we offer a wide range of opportunities, such as formal and informal concerts, trips to see shows in London, and a wide range of exciting socials outside of our main term shows. We offer a warm and welcoming community built on camaraderie and a passion for performing and we absolutely love welcoming newcomers into the fold.

Events and Activities

  • Autumn Term Show
  • Spring Term Show
  • International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival
  • Gala Concert
  • Fresher’s Concert
  • Remembrance Concert
  • Savoy Birthday Party
  • Bingo Nights

Contact Us

We are looking forward to welcoming new members in the fall! During Freshers Week we will be hosting a "Get to Know Savoy and the Committee" and anyone who is interested can join. We also have a dedicated private members page on Facebook where we host mini-contests and post important information links to our zoom socials.

Autumn Elections 2024

This election will fill positions for our remaining Community Officers, who are there to represent underrepresented groups of students on campus and the last six members of our Societies, Sports and Opportunities Executive, who work with the VP Societies and Sport to develop policy and plans in their area of engagement.

5 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 23:59 on Sunday 13 October 2024 (in 2 weeks and 2 days)

The polls open at 10:00 on Monday 14 October 2024 (in 2 weeks and 3 days)





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