Holloway Players

About us

We are the Holloway Players, Royal Holloway’s resident improv comedy troupe since 2007! We are made up of students from across the university who, regardless of their year, course, or experience, are dedicated to making funny things happen! Our tried-and-tested performance style consistently makes master improvisers of complete beginners, though we are far more interested in maintaining our friendly atmosphere and welcoming nature!

With fortnightly live performances off-campus, as well as biweekly rehearsals, we welcome anyone and everyone. In fact, almost every member of the troupe had never improvised before coming along! Since we are constantly active, as well as committed to creating fun and friendly shows and sessions, it is always easy to come along and participate – our regular sessions are on Wednesdays and Sundays 6 – 9PM. No prior experience or contact is necessary, just show up to a session and give us a go!


Purchasing a membership to our society will give you access to weekly sessions and opportunities to be part of live performances throughout the year, including our second term improvised musical! It also means you get to join us for an array of wacky socials and trips!

Your membership fee goes towards the running of the society, including supplements for tickets to outings such as social events and theatre visits, as well as covering our costs for performances.

As a member, you'll not only be a member of a vibrant and friendly troupe of performers, but more importantly, you will make friends for life who you can trust, love, and make funny things happen with.

Events and Activities

Over the course of the year we host a number of events including:

  • Improv sessions on Wednesdays and Sundays (6-9pm).
  • Pub shows to attend or perform in.
  • A big two-act improvised musical in second term.
  • Biweekly catchups after our regular sessions.
  • Weekly Sunday coffee mornings.
  • Trips to fairgrounds, theatres, and just to fun places.
  • Whatever events our members would like!

Contact Us

Join us on Facebook or Instagram to see what we're up to!

The committee is really excited to welcome new members! Feel free to message our page if you would like to come along, or privately message any of our committee members for any further questions!




Autumn Elections 2024

This election will fill positions for our remaining Community Officers, who are there to represent underrepresented groups of students on campus and the last six members of our Societies, Sports and Opportunities Executive, who work with the VP Societies and Sport to develop policy and plans in their area of engagement.

5 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 23:59 on Sunday 13 October 2024 (in 2 weeks and 2 days)

The polls open at 10:00 on Monday 14 October 2024 (in 2 weeks and 3 days)





  • Holloway Players Standard Membership£7.00
  • Holloway Players Alumni Membership£12.00

Why do I have to pay for my membership?

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Not ready to commit to a membership?

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  • Holloway Players Standard Membership£7.00
  • Holloway Players Alumni Membership£12.00
Alfie Lucas
Publicity Officer
Liv Bell
Abbie Cushing
Social Secretary
Esme Sharpington
Callum Sowden
Volunteering Officer
Felicity Thompson