

The Royal Holloway Philosophy society is a student-run society that was formed in 2014 with the purpose of promoting and fostering an extra-curricular environment for the study of philosophy at Royal Holloway, University of London. To this end, we host weekly symposia on a variety of philosophical topics, drawing from a diverse pool of philosophers. We also run an ‘aesthetics circle’ in collaboration with our own Dr David Preston, where we discuss the merits (or lack thereof) of three pieces of art suggested by the members of the group. The atmosphere is relaxed and informal, and the event is open to anyone with an open heart and mind. We have also recently started hosting debates on ethical issues. Dispersed among these weekly activities, we host lectures in collaboration with the department, each ending with a ritual visit to a local pub.


Join us for weekly socials including symposia, pub crawls, debates, Burns nights and art gallery tours. Only with the Philosophy Society will you achieve such a synthesis of culture and festivity.

Philosophers of London

We also work in close collaboration with the POLIS (Philosophers of London In Solidarity), a community of all the philosophy societies of London, to provide a truly city-wide experience for our members which includes inter-university socials and lectures, publishing opportunities in student journals and the auspicious London Undergraduate Philosophy Conference. 

Guest Lecture Series

We have previously had speakers from the Universities of Oxford, LSE, Reading, Toronto, Charles Sturt and Kingston. This year we are working in close collaboration with the Centre for Continental Philosophy, recently founded by our own Dr Henry Somers-Hall, to deliver our members groundbreaking guest lectures delivered by scholars from across the world. 

In 2023 we also hosted the annual POLIS philosophers conference at Royal Holloway as part of our committment to expand the range of talks given.

Contact us

You can contact us and get regular updates about our freshers and term events at:

Autumn Elections 2024

This election will fill positions for our remaining Community Officers, who are there to represent underrepresented groups of students on campus and the last six members of our Societies, Sports and Opportunities Executive, who work with the VP Societies and Sport to develop policy and plans in their area of engagement.

5 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 23:59 on Sunday 13 October 2024 (in 2 weeks and 2 days)

The polls open at 10:00 on Monday 14 October 2024 (in 2 weeks and 3 days)





  • Philosophy standard membership 24/25£4.00

Why do I have to pay for my membership?

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  • Philosophy standard membership 24/25£4.00
Callum Matheson
Roberto Frering
Social Secretary
Melissa Demsteader
Navid Mohammed
Vice President
Jadon Bristow
Wellbeing Secretary
Kiernan Jermini