Welcome Drink

Saturday 12 September 2020

17:00 - 23:00

The Packhorse

Welcome Drink

It's the first official event of Freshers' Festival, and it couldn't be a better one!

If you're already on campus, grab up to five mates and make your way to The Packhorse for a delicious socially distanced cocktail, or brew, or whatever tickles your fancy, and celebrate the start of the new academic year!

For any new students who aren't aware, The Packhorse is the Students’ Union’s very own pub - we show live sport, put on great events, and have loads of great food and drinks deals throughout the week.

See you there! 

Ticket information

Free entry - to guarantee your entry, book your table here.

Following updates to government guidance, the maximum table booking permitted will be six persons (from multiple households).

You will be asked to provide Test and Trace information for all individuals on your table.

Covid-secure measures

All activities and events will be conducted in accordance with the relevant guidance published by the UK Government. Changes have been made to the operation of all events and venues to comply with social distancing guidance.


Staggered timings – you will be allocated a specific arrival time on your ticket. You must ensure you arrive during your slot to ensure all individuals can safely enter the event.

Test and Trace - at the point of entry to our venues, you will be required to provide details to support the NHS Test and Trace system via your student number. Entry will not be permitted if you do not provide these details.

Hosts – at the event a staff team of hosts will manage arrivals, ensuring groups are seated at the correct table, explain how to order drinks and house rules, and control access to different areas of the venue.

Wristbands – you will be issued a wristband on entry which will identify your allocated table.   

One-way flow – all events and venues will have clearly marked flow routes to ensure students are directed to their allocated zone, have access to their specific toilet facilities, and are able to return to their zone in a socially-distanced manner.


Localised facilities – portable toilets have been sourced to provide additional capacity at all our venues, and adequate facilities in all outdoor event spaces.

Cleaning – portable toilets will be cleaned regularly to maintain hygiene standards, cleaning kits will be located at each localised facility to enable students to maintain hygiene standards, and touch points will be cleaned regularly by staff throughout the event.

Sanitiser stations – these will be located at all venue and event entry points, localised toilet facilities, and where appropriate the entry to allocated zones.

Social distancing

Mapped zones – all events and venues have been mapped to create one-way routes with colour-controlled zones where required and full table plans.

Rule of Six – following updates to government guidance, the maximum table booking permitted will be six persons (from multiple households). All events and venues will operate on the basis of tickets being sold to groups, no individual tickets will be on sale.

Walkways – clear marked one-way walkways will be used to move around the venues and events, providing further space between bubbles. Individuals will be expected to wear face coverings when moving in walkways.

Food & Drink service

Table service – this will be the only format of service at all events and venues, there will be no availability to order at the bar.

Mobile app – all orders will be made through our contactless ordering system available on all smartphones.

Staff ratio – the staffing ratio will be increased to accommodate the changes in operation over the Freshers’ Festival period, in support of table service, capacity management and cleaning.

External contractors – where external food contractors are engaged to support events, their menus will be available on mobile ordering apps to support contactless ordering.

Customer control

Defined capacity – each activity, event or venue will have a defined capacity that will be controlled via advance ticket sales, pre-bookable tables, and the management team for the area. The capacity will be published on the website and will be available at the entry to each area.

Supervised sections – each event will be broken down into smaller zones, colour coded where appropriate and managed by a delegated host.

Staff ratio – we have increased the ratio of security staff to customers to ensure these events can be delivered safely.

House rules – All students must abide by the Venues Code of Conduct. Anyone failing to adhere to social distancing rules will be ejected from the venue.

SIA (Security Industry Authority) staff – will be employed to manage ingress and egress and support the management team in monitoring expected conduct.

Event curfew

Bar closure – bars will close one hour before the event is scheduled to end.

Curfew – ticketed events will close at 01:00, all other events will close at midnight.

Leaving our venues

Staggered – where tables have completed their drinks within the allotted drinking up time they will be asked to make their way home, naturally staggering egress from the event. Where zones are used, each zone will be asked to make their way home in turn to stagger flow.

Managed – SIA staff will manage the egress of students from all events.

House rules

All students must abide by the Venues Code of Conduct when attending our events. Any breaches of these rules will be dealt with immediately with details reported to the Venues Disciplinary Panel.

All events are subject to immediate closure where behaviour is not compliant with expected conduct.


As your Students' Union, we're keen to promote equality of opportunity for people with disabilities and to take the necessary steps to meet their requirements - that's why we've ensured that everything we do is accessible to as many of you as possible.

All of our venues are wheelchair accessible via shallow ramps; you can find out more about our venues and view our AccessAble pages by heading to our Accessibility page.

If you or someone you know requires access to special facilities, please email venues@su.rhul.ac.uk and our friendly team will do their best to meet your needs.