Stressbusters Events

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Wed 15th January

Stressbusters: Wellness Wednesday Digital Detox
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Tommy's Lounge
Need a mid-week reset? Take a break from screen and join us for a relaxing of creating calming aromatherapy sprays, stress balls and paint-by-numbers.

Thu 16th January

Stressbusters: Train Hard Thursday
1pm - 3pm
SU Main Hall
Join ALS for some pop-up activities at the SU Hall from 1-3pm! They have a range of games and activities you can get involved with, meet new people and try something new.

Fri 17th January

Stressbusters: Feel Good Friday Wreck & Reflect Journaling
2:30pm - 3:30pm
Tommy's Lounge
Come along to this guided journaling session to help you reflect on your thoughts and emotions. You’ll tear pages, doodle and ‘wreck’ your journal to embrace the chaos of creativity and release stress. Free journal and materials provided.
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