Tuesday 01 April 2025

13:30 - 15:30

Advice Centre/Online

Advice Drop-In

Our Advice Centre runs weekly virtual and in-person drop-in sessions every Tuesday so you can fire away with any worries or concerns. 

How to Join a Drop-In

In Person

Just take a seat in the Advice Centre waiting room (upstairs in the SU) and an advisor will call you in when they’re available.


All you need to do is join the Zoom call during the drop-in times. You will then be admitted into a private waiting room until an advisor is available.

Join the drop-in

What can you help with?

While our advisors specialise in academic and housing advice, we can offer guidance on just about everything that may affect you during your university journey. If we’re not the best people to help you with a particular issue, we’ll point you in the right direction. 

Here are some of the main topics our advisors help students with:

  • Academic and non-academic misconduct
  • Appeals
  • Complaints within/outside of university
  • Extenuating circumstances and extensions
  • Housing

How do Zoom drop-ins work?

  • You don’t need to download anything. Just click on the link to join the meeting through your web browser.
  • We strongly recommend using your PC instead of your phone as it makes file and screen-sharing easier. PCs have a more reliable connection too.
  • You will first enter into a private digital ‘waiting room.’ If the advisor is free, they will admit you into the meeting. 
  • If the advisor is already talking with someone, you will have to wait to be admitted. Don’t worry though, they can see you’re waiting. 
  • You can use the Zoom link at any point during the drop-in times.
  • If your case is complex, you may be given an appointment at a later time.

Further support

The Advice Centre is a free, independent and confidential service for all students here at Royal Holloway. Our friendly, experienced and professional staff will provide a listening ear and offer general and specialist advice. We’re here to support you with a whole range of issues, big and small, and if we’re not the best people to help you with a particular issue, we’ll point you in the right direction.

Email us at advice@su.rhul.ac.uk with any questions, or if you need a different meeting time.