Monday 28 October 2024

10:00 - 12:00

SU Venue

Conversations About Race (CAR)

We are excited to announce another training opportunity for students who are interested in becoming facilitators for our renewed Conversations About Race (CAR) initiative. CAR are facilitated race-based conversations where students and colleagues from all backgrounds can share their experiences. The aim is to build community and enhance learning and understanding, to lead to genuine and sustained positive change based on listening, inclusion, empathy and respect. This training session will cover the structure, purpose and bounds of CAR, your role as a facilitator and how you can hold the space to enable conversations to take place. You should leave the session equipped with some practical skills and tools for facilitation.

Ticket information

This is a free event!

Black History Month

This Black History Month, we’re Reclaiming the Narrative for Black students and Academics in shaping history at Royal Holloway by hosting a range of events that provide a space for both Black Academic and Students to meet, get involved and express themselves.  Check out our campaign page for more events, blog posts and ways to get involved!