Thursday 04 July 2024

07:00 - 22:00

General Election 2024

The UK government has called a General Election for Thursday 4 July.

A general election is an opportunity for people in every part of the UK to choose their MP. This person will represent a local area (constituency) in the House of Commons for up to five years.

Right now students are stuck in a cycle of crises: mental health, cost of living, spiralling rents, chronic underfunding causing constant strikes so it's more important than ever that students vote for a candidate they feel will fight for them.

The student movement is leading the way in demanding a better, brighter future. But if we want politicians to take note, we need to back up our words with action at the ballot box. In the run-up to the election, look out for helpful news and information as we get you clued up on all things politics.

Students are entitled to register at two addresses but can only vote at one. If you have a home and term-time address you should register at both, especially if you don't know where you'll be during election day on 4 July yet.

If you're unsure whether you're eligible to vote, check online and register for a FREE CitizenCard by Thursday 20 June.

If we want our voices to be heard we need to use our vote, make sure you're heard - register to vote by midnight on Tuesday 18 June.