Community Coffee Crawl

For Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week, get your coffee fix and chat with your Community Officers as we take part in a crawl across campus!
We'll be joined by the amazing Ruby (Mature, Carer & Parent Students Community Officer), Sam (LGBTQ+ Students Community Officer) and Het (Postgraduate Taught Students Community Officer).
Join us for the entire time or meet us when it suits you! We'll kick off at Crosslands (10:00-10:30) then move over to Cafe on the Square (10:30-11:00) before taking over The Boilerhouse (11:00-11:30) and finally the G.O.A.T, Tommy's Kitchen (11:30-12:00)!
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week
SU President Hannah and VP Wellbeing & Diversity Nisha have teamed up to bring you Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week - a campaign that aims to create a healthy, inclusive culture and give students strategies to help reduce the harmful impact of drugs and alcohol.
From sharing our top 10 ways to enjoy yourself sober to opening up discussions to Mocktail Making - we've planned a week of information and activities to get you thinking about your relationship with drugs and alcohol.