Tackling Second Year Fears
The University's Wellbeing team is bringing you a workshop on making the most out of your second year of university, including strategies to build confidence, effective time management, utilising resources, and overall wellbeing tips.
The session is aimed at second-year students but is open to all!
Ticket information
Free entry. Just turn up.
Wobble Week
It's time to check in! As we approach the halfway mark of Term One, VP Wellbeing and Diversity Nisha is running her Wobble Week campaign (23-27 October) to make sure you're adjusting to university life and your new surroundings. Over the course of the week, you'll have the opportunity to chat with a staff member from the SU or University if you're having a wobble or simply fancy a chat!
Whether you find yourself icing a biscuit, trying your hand at a new sport or enjoying some friendly Pub Quiz competition, it's all about helping you to relax, have fun and meet new people.
Check out our campaign page to find out what's on!