Students, Universities, and the Climate Crisis: What Can We Do?

Enactus Society, Royal Holloway Principal Julie Sanders, and People and Planet join SU President Maia Jarvis for a panel discussion on sustainability at Royal Holloway.
Our panelists will share what is happening locally and on campus, assessing how students can get involved in the movement to protect the environment.
Enactus Society
Enactus is a global non-profit organisation active in more than 40 countries and over 1800 universities. They implement economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable solutions that empower others with the skills and knowledge to succeed. Here at Royal Holloway, Enactus is a student group that aims to inspire, improve and transform the quality of life for thousands of people, both locally and globally.
Students learn entrepreneurial skills while developing outreach projects which have a positive social impact on communities and help improve the standard of living for individuals and groups in need.
People & Planet
People & Planet is the largest student network in the UK campaigning for social and environmental justice. They envision a future in which spiraling inequality, instability, climate crisis, and resource depletion are reversed, and a world in which the balance of power in society has fundamentally shifted to an equal world that benefits all of us.
Their mission is to build an empowered generation of change-makers equipped with life-long skills, motivation, and networks to be a force for change in achieving a more equitable and sustainable world.
They believe that change can only be achieved by strong social and environmental justice movements that include empowered students and communities most impacted by injustice, working together in global solidarity to overcome these oppressive structures.
Can't make it in person or prefer to tune in online? We'll also be casting the session on Zoom so you can join the discussion from wherever you are! Simply hit the button below at the start of the session and enter the passcode!
Join online
Meeting ID: 879 0942 4984
Passcode: 547365
Student Voice Conference (20-24 February)
Following the success of last year's event, Student Voice Conference is back for 2023! Student Voice Conference is your opportunity to tell us about the things that are important to you, and together, we'll identify solutions.
Whether you’re an academic rep, Collective convenor, member of a student group, media group (or you’re just keen to create change at Royal Holloway), this conference is for ALL of you and we encourage you to take part in any way that you can. Each day of the week will feature a different activity so you can discuss your thoughts and help us move forward to create change.
Get involved in Student Voice Conference