Monday 24 February 2020

14:30 - 16:30

EWD Event Space

Union Workshop

At the Students’ Union, we want to get you involved in everything that has an impact on you.

This may be different for different people: some of you may want to lead a society, some may want to be part of a sports club, some may want to be an academic rep, and some of you will want to do it all!

We also recognise that many students want to help us formulate our plans in our service areas, such as the Union Shop, our events programme and our menus.

Over the next few workshops, we're going to be discussing a range of topics including evening events, our security operation, the Union Helpdesk, the Advice Centre and even future Summer Balls.

Whether you’re a frequent flyer or never dropped by, as long as you have an opinion, we want you!

For the first Union Workshop we’ve identified three themes based on your feedback so far:

1. Security Review

In this section, we will be focusing on your experiences with security at the SU or Medicine, good or bad as well as specific areas you’d like to see improvements for a better experience.

2. Evening Events

Evening events are a staple of any Union life and we’ve been diversifying some of our offerings through unique nights at Medicine. But we want to hear from you. What events are we missing? Who are the rising artists that you want to see on the stage?

3. Tickets & Wristbands 

We’ll be exploring the current journey you go through when purchasing tickets and some of the thinking behind it before considering what improvements we can make based on suggestions provided by you. What happens next? After every Union Workshop we’ll be taking your input and turning it into a solid list of actions to go away and work on. We’ll provide an update of everything we accomplish and where your suggestions have been directly implemented, celebrating you! Do you have an idea of something you would like to see at a Union Workshop? Get in touch with us at


To attend the Union Workshop, simply add a FREE ticket to your basket and checkout as normal.