School Reps


about the role:

School Reps are the highest level of voluntary posts within the academic representation structure. There is one post per School, and they are tasked with ensuring the views of students are represented at School Education Committee meetings.

Keep scrolling to check out the candidates running for School Rep positions in 2024/25 and click on their names to find their manifestos. It’s time to make your decision on who will get your vote in the Leadership Elections.


Business & Management

Engineering, Physical & Mathematical Sciences (EPMS)

Humanities (HUMS)

We have received no nominations for the Humanities School Rep position. This role will be reopened during the Community By-Elections held in May

Law and Social Sciences (LSS)

We have received no nominations for the Humanities School Rep position. This role will be reopened during the Community By-Elections held in May

Life Sciences & the Environment (LSE)

Performing & Digital Arts (PDA)