Welcome to your Elections hub! Here you’ll find key information about the upcoming elections happening within your Union, and how you can get involved.

Whether you’re voting for your student group committee or electing the new sabbatical officers who lead the SU, make sure you exercise your right to vote and get your voice heard.

candidate support

121 support

In order to keep a fair and democratic elections, we want to clearly set out some rules & regulations for the period. On the Elections web page you'll find all the resources you need to stick to the rules and help us run a fair elections. Feel free to browse the resources and if you have any further questions please contact the Student Voice Team via voice@su.rhul.ac.uk


We are committed to ensuring our elections process are fully accessible. If you have any accessibility requirements or need extra support, then please email Francesca.Hailey@su.rhul.ac.uk


You can reach out to a staff member at the SU at any point during the elections period. For Community Officers, you can reach out to our Community Engagement Coordinator and for SSO Members you can reach out to our Voice Team.

We won't be delivering a candidate briefing for this elections but you can arrange a 121 with the Community Engagement Coordinator regarding your nomination in the Autumn Election.