Willow Wong

Candidate for NUS Delegate

Willow Wong.

Hi everyone! I’m Willow, your current Vice-President (Welfare and Diversity).

One of the many things I’ve learned in my time as sabbatical officer is the importance of good leadership, not just here at Royal Holloway, but on a national level at NUS.

This is why I’m running for the position of NUS delegate alongside VP Welfare & Diversity in this election.

NUS, short for National Union of Students’, represents all students on a national level to shape our educational experience for the better. The elected NUS officers are here to promote and defend the rights of students across the nation.


However, this year saw the problematic leadership of the current NUS president, who has prevented NUS from being the voice for students and drawn criticism from the liberation campaign.

As Brexit foreshadows the national debate, we need a strong NUS leadership with a clear plan to support all students across the country, including here at Royal Holloway. Thus, as your NUS delegate, I promise to elect trustworthy national student representatives who will actually fight for our rights as students.

Please vote Willow for NUS delegate and VP Welfare & Diversity!