Who will lead your Union?

Vote Now


Natasha Barrett


  • Challenge structural oppression within higher education through continued work on campaigns like ‘Liberate Our Curriculum’ alongside our VP Education.
  • Continue to strengthen strategic relationships with other organisations like NUS and UCU.
  • Actively stand against the potential damage of the new Higher Education Bill and the proposed Teaching Excellence Framework.
  • Lobby Royal Holloway to make the college bus free between campus and Egham.
  • Launch an ‘SU on Tour’ campaign that will get your sabbs outside of the SU building and actively engaging with students around campus. This would aim to encourage students to raise concerns and ask us questions at any point so that we are always student focussed.
  • Lobby the college to expand the uses of college cards, for example working as an Oyster card for the campus bus service and expanding on use for accessing buildings.
  • Work with individual departments to increase specific, personal support for students going abroad to study and transitioning back into studying at Royal Holloway after doing so.
  • Hold a full democracy review to assess how well our councils; general meetings and voting systems represent our students. I would then work on a strategy that would maximise engagement and relevance of these elements of the union.
  • Run regular workshops to explain potential changes to Higher Education, including political processes and how they would affect students personally. This would allow students who are interested to gain knowledge on how the education system is developing.
  • Post daily social media updates on day-to-day work within the role of President, to increase transparency and ensure students know exactly what their Officers do to represent them.
  • Make function nights free during Reading Weeks.
  • Focus specifically on support for student demographics that are currently unrepresented, including Postgraduates, mature students, international students and student parents and carers.
  • Create clear guidelines that outline Union and College services and the relevant contacts for any type of student query or problem. These should be accessible, well advertised and all encompassing for speed and ease.