Who will lead your Union?

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Vice-President Welfare & Diversity

Kyam Sajid


Mental Health:
The mental health of all students at Royal Holloway must be a priority for the Students Union. If elected VP of Welfare and Diversity, I will ensure that both student and full-time SU staff receive adequate mental health training to assure that students are dealt with sensitively and appropriately. Furthermore, I will work to improve the accessibility of mental health services for students who reside both on and off campus. This will be achieved by making students aware of what mental health provisions are in place at the university, but also promoting the services that are available in Surrey and further afield. In addition to this I will partner the university with mental health charities and guarantee the university’s participation in mental health awareness week.

Liberation groups must be at the heart of everything the VP of Welfare and Diversity wants to achieve. If elected I will ensure that all liberation groups; POC, religious groups, women, LGBT and disabled students are granted the safe spaces they need to ensure that ALL students are properly represented and protected.

The sharp rise in hate crimes following recent world events means that protecting Liberation groups is more important than ever. As I am deeply committed to freedom of speech for individuals, whilst ensuring student safety, I will guarantee that all debates that take place on campus are conducted in an autonomous and safe manner.

SU on Tour:
The SU as an institution must be accessible to students at all times. If elected VP of Welfare and Diversity I will break down the barriers that prevent students from accessing SU services. I propose to do this through SUonTour. This involves fortnightly SU ‘clinics’ at various locations on campus. I believe that if we are to know what students want from us we must go out and ask them. I will make certain that student voices are heard and SUonTour will allow you to raise any questions or concerns you have without having to book an appointment with one of the SU Officers.