
Mixing any recreational drugs puts your health and safety at a bigger risk. You are far more likely to pose a risk to yourself or other people if you use multiple substances at the same time. For example, being stoned and driving doubles the risk of crashing, but mixing cannabis and alcohol whilst driving put this risk 16 times higher.


Due to our unique genetic makeup everyone reacts slightly differently to drugs but there are some simple rules you can follow to lessen your chances of overdosing.

There are no set doses

Age, weight, gender, ethnic background and even how tired you are all play a part in drug metabolism. You wouldn’t expect a frail elderly lady to win a shot competition against a fit young man. Your friend’s dose may not be the right one for you. 

Find out why less is often more when dosing for pleasure on the Global Drug Survey.

Be careful with suppliers

If you’re taking ecstasy for example, which comes in pills, the dosage per pill can vary wildly so it’s best to take a lower dose than usual to make sure you don’t accidentally overdose.

Start low, go slow

Drugs are becoming more and more potent, so it's always best to start with a lower dose. Remember, drugs are instantaneous, so resist the urge to re-dose too quickly, it's a sure-fire recipe for disaster.