At the moment, Academic Misconduct panels are taking place over Teams. We would strongly encourage you to attend the panel if you are able, but there is the option to complete a written response form if you cannot make it. The panel will consist of a Chair, another academic member of staff, someone from Academic Investigations who will be taking minutes and yourself (along with a student, member of staff or an advisor if you want to have someone with you).
The panel is your opportunity to respond to the allegation and explain how or why you think there may have been similarities in your work. The panel will ask you questions but will also give you space to say what you have prepared. Students are always given the chance to let the panel know if they have any mitigating or extenuating circumstances. If they are accepted by the panel (who will need evidence) their circumstances will not excuse the misconduct but may be taken into account when the panel makes a decision. They will then outline the possible sanctions and next steps.
The panel meeting will usually last around 20/30 minutes. Following this, they will send you a copy of the meeting minutes and ask you to confirm if you agree that the minutes are correct. Once you have sent your response back, you will be given an outcome via email in around seven days.