Changing your degree

At the very beginning of term, or even just before term starts, you may have reasons for wanting to change the degree programme you are studying. If you find yourself in this situation, you should get some advice before making any decisions.


If you have any questions about changing your course, please contact your School helpdesk. If you haven’t enrolled yet, you will need to speak to the Admissions team.

  • Students who want to change must meet the standard entry requirements of the programme they want to transfer to and may be asked to write a statement about why they wish to change degree.
  • Department/School and Student Administration must approve changes and just making a request does not mean it will be accepted.
  • Tier 4 Visa Students sponsored by the Uni may not be able to change degrees due to visa restrictions. The International Advice team can advise on this.
  • Before starting at Royal Holloway, new students need to contact the Admissions team for further advice.
  • If they want to change when they arrive and have enrolled here, they have up to 3 weeks of teaching to submit the request to change.
  • After summer results, students can request to change degree programme up to the third week of teaching in the following academic year (excluding Welcome Week).
  • After this period and until the end of Term Two, only a change of pathway request can be completed and this can only occur in the same department.
  • After the end of Term Two up until July Results, a Change in Award or Progression request can be submitted. Changes in this time can affect a student’s award and progression status as well as their programme of study. Therefore, the relevant College Board has to accept these changes. It is likely that the relevant Department/School will suggest it is more appropriate to wait until the release of results to request a change

You will receive an email from Student Administration once your record is updated with your confirmed change. This should be within 5 days of the degree change approval but can be longer in peak times or when further information is required. If it is not possible for your request to be processed, you will be contacted

See the university’s information on changing your degree course or pathway here.

want to speak to an advisor?

If you've already looked through our web pages and can't find the information you're after, and would like to discuss something face-to-face, it's easy to see an Advisor.


We hold weekly drop-in sessions both in person and online during term time. Check out our Events Calendar here to find out when the next drop-in is- just use the "Advice" filter on the left hand side of the page.


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