Officer Accountability.

Throughout your time at Royal Holloway, students are represented by the sabbatical officers who are elected by the student body in our annual SU Elections.

They work on a range of issues relating to student life, listening to your thoughts and opinions while running campaigns and working with the relevant people and bodies to implement positive policy changes.

It is our responsibility as a students’ union to provide opportunities for students to hold the sabbatical officers accountable for the work that they do during their time in office. We hope that by taking a read through the sections below, you will gain a better understanding of the different ways in which this is achieved.

Officer Q&A

To ensure you have ample opportunity to hold your sabbatical officers to account, we have introduced ‘Ask the Officers’ where you can ask any question and gain a response from the relevant officer.

Every month, the President will organise an online Q&A session to answer the questions submitted. This will be hosted on Zoom and all students are welcome to attend. The other officers will attend the meeting as and when needed, dependent on the nature of the questions received.

Schedule for 2021 Q&A Sessions

Date Link to Session Q&A Round-Up
8 March 2021   Watch video update
April 2021 (no Q&A due to Easter break)    
24 May 2021 (17:00-18:30)   Coming soon

Questions should be submitted no later than seven days before the Q&A in order for a response to be formed.

Questions can also be submitted at the Question and Answer session itself. If an immediate response is not able to be given, it will be noted and either answered via email within ten working days, or be included as part of the blog post (a written record of the Q&A session) which will be uploaded to this page within ten working days of the session occurring.

In the event of no questions being submitted, we will upload a video update of what we've been working on.


Executives are committees of student representatives responsible for the development, scrutiny and maintenance of policy and plans in their area, identifying where work should be undertaken. We have three Executives:

Wellbeing, Community & Diversity
Societies, Sports & Opportunities

Each Executive is chaired by a full-time sabbatical officer, supported by student representatives from student groups, academic reps and Student Collectives.

One of the main roles of each Executive is to act as a critical friend to the sabbatical officer who chairs the Executive. This is a key place for accountability from the sabbatical officers to the student body.

To ensure that students are kept informed on the work of the Executives, all meeting minutes are published on the SU website, with the main discussion points shared in a blog shortly after each meeting.

Latest Posts

RHSU Priority 8 Leadership Elections

Introducing a new initiative to make sure that your voice is heard! We are extremely passionate about your student experience, and we want to give you the opportunity to vote for the issues that matter the most to you.

Become a Student Leader

At the Students’ Union, there are multiple ways you can begin your leadership journey. From being an academic rep or committee member to becoming a Community Officer or a Sabbatical Officer, find out how you can get involved.

Stand in the Summer Elections

Nominations are now open for several different elected roles across campus in our Summer Elections!

Executives Round Two Update

The latest round of Executives took place last month. Find out what your School Reps, Community Officers, and student group members discussed with the Sabbatical Officer team.


Digital Accountability

The Students' Union is ultimately accountable to a Board of Trustees, who oversee the strategic direction, and financial, legal and reputational viability of the charity. The Board is chaired by the President of the Students’ Union and its membership includes the other four Sabbatical Officers, Student Trustees and External Trustees.

We know it can be a bit confusing to understand where decisions are being made, so we promise to publish an update within ten working days of each Board meeting to inform you of the discussions held. The paper will be published on the SU website as a PDF, while any key developments will be communicated via the sabbatical officers’ social media accounts as required.

Read the latest update