
Email us or chat with us 

About us

RHUL JapanSoc supports both Japanese students and students interested in Japanese language and/or culture. We provide opportunities for native Japanese-speaking and native English-speaking students to learn from each other and develop cross-cultural friendships.

We also teach introductory Japanese language and culture lessons to all with an interest. If you have an interest in Japanese language, culture, history, food, geography, etc, JapanSoc might be for you!

For Japanese people, if you want a safe place to interact with, learn from, and build friendships in a friendly and fun environment, please consider joining!


A JapanSoc membership entitles you to attend all of our events and socials. JapanSoc members also receive a substantially discounted rate for our SU-based events.

To join you'll just have to purchase a membership (which is FREE), join us on our Discord Server and let us know that you've gotten the membership!

Events and Activities

Every week, JapanSoc hosts a social and lessons.

In addition, we have language cafés (language exchange) and specific workshops on topics ranging from sushi-making to origami as demand allows.

We plan events such as;

- Japanese Language Class

- Japanese Cooking Class (Ramen and/or Sushi)

- Online Exchange with Japanese University (Organise meetings with Japanese students overseas at Keio University)

- Collab with Anime society

- Spicy Noodle Challenge with K-pop society

- Society Outings/ Day trips

and more...

You can request any activity or event, and we will try to make it happen.


*Check Discord/Whatsapp for up to date schedules*

Beginner Group: Tuesday 7-8PM / Place: George Elliot 1-04

Socials: varies, but mostly on weekends. 

Upcoming Events

Check our social media accounts for announcements! 

Contact Us

You can contact us on:

No elections are currently running





  • Japanese Standard Membership£0.00

Why do I have to pay for my membership?

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Not ready to commit to a membership?

Interest list group type is not configured.

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  • Japanese Standard Membership£0.00
Events Officer
Yusei Ogita
Language Officer
Marcus O'Brien
Emrick Tatem
Dilsah Karaagac
Owain Feasey