
Welcome to Royal Holloway’s Feminism Society!

We are so excited to be returning for 2023/24! The Feminist Society intends to create an inclusive space in which all those impacted by sexism can come together to pursue further education on experiences of sexism and feminist theory through collaboration with academic staff in various fields. We, also, intend to evaluate current experiences of sexism on campus and to find ways in which to create a more informed and safe campus through group-based projects geared at specific issues. This will be accomplished through regular socials, literature reviews led by academic staff, and group project meetings led by team leaders. 

Meetings and Events:

We will hold bimonthly socials and bimonthly literature reviews.

Socials: Our socials include various events such as Tote Bag decorating, Pottery, Pub Crawls, and various collabs with other societies. They are intended to provide a relaxed and inclusive space where those interested in learning more about sexism and feminism can get to know each other. 

Literature Reviews: Our literature reviews are intended to promote collaboration between academic staff and students through staff-led discussions around literature concerning feminist theory and/or sexism in various fields. Some topics we have discussed include Border Abolition, Climate Change, British Imperalism, etc. and their relation to feminism.

Group-Project Meetings: Our group projects will be member-led projects concerning various issues such as our blog; research into various issues related to sexism on universities campuses; and campaigns to promote education, fundraising, etc. Each group will have a team leader and all groups will be overseen by a Project Manager. 

Contacting us:

Email: feminism@royalholloway.su

Instagram: rhulfeminismsociety

Consent Sticker

No elections are currently running





  • Feminism Standard Membership£3.50

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  • Feminism Standard Membership£3.50
Amanda Scannell
Project Manager
Poppy Coates
Jasmeena Webb
Social Media Manager
Lynden Ashbey Tapay Castillo
Krissy Githaiga